NFC Registration Packet Spring 2025

Player/Cheerleader Participation Application

Sports Physical dated after may 1st


MM slash DD slash YYYY
MM slash DD slash YYYY
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Max. file size: 64 MB.

By signing this application, I player/parent agree to the following:

-I will follow the playing rules, as set forth by the NFC.

-I will follow all guidelines as set forth by MY ORGANIZATION, MY TEAM as well as any NFC team or event.

-I will be responsible for returning/repairing/replacing all team equipment that is issued to me.

– I understand that I am a member of this team for the entire season, or until properly released.

– I understand that this team will be my home team from this point on, and that I must obtain an approved transfer from my team prior to going to another team in NFC.

-I understand that my team may handle problems and questions as directed, and that the outcome may not always go my way. -I will not use, nor allow any person associated with me to use, foul language, obscene behavior, or unsportsmanlike Gestures.

-I agree to act in an appropriate manner and to abide by all decisions of the coaching staff, executive board, league, referees, or staff at all times.

-I agree to play any position that I am assigned to, and that I will represent my team and coaching staff’s decisions to the best of my ability.

By signing this application, I agree for my child and family to participate in a sport activity, or an event sponsored by the NFC and the local team, its agents, Directors, employees, coaches, or staff. I certify that my child is in good physical and mental condition. I understand that football and cheerleading are dangerous sports and that I, my son, and/or daughter will participate at our own risk. I agree that the NFC and/or any of its franchise teams will not be held liable for any injury or damage arising from their participation in any NFC sponsored event or competition. This waiver applies to all people or entities acting on my, or my child’s, behalf. I have read this application in its entirety, and I fully understand and agree with its terms. This authorization shall remain in effect for a period of 10 years from the date signed. I understand that participation in tackle football/flag football/cheerleading can be dangerous. Your child could be temporarily or permanently injured, and I hereby give my consent for my child to participate and compete in the NFC. I also hereby waive my right to privacy, and give the NFC, and its’ authorized representatives the right to verify any and all information regarding our participation. I expressly give NFC permission to access my child’s school record for the express reason of verifying his/her age.